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Selasa, 08 Januari 2013


                                                                      MY HOUSE

                                    Today is the end of the year. Means the new year is about to arrive. Usually a week before the new year arrives, many people who go on vacation with family or friends nearby. The new year is unlike previous new year. The new year is usually me and my family would go to the village or go to travel with my brothers. Reasons why not to go on holiday this year because my dad was busy trade. Finally I, mother and adikkumerencanakan to go to the tourist attractions themselves. In order not to saturate at home during the school holidays.   
                                            The night before the new year. My mom and I are planning to buy a drink for a snack food tonight. And finally, just after 9 pm. My brother and I went alone through the streets of Surabaya with motorcycles. With the bad weather was raining, but I was desperate to go with wearing a raincoat. I went to places selling food. When I find a suitable food. I intend to purchase in place but the place was very crowded. Finally I decided to purchase other food and come back later. After 1 hour I was back to where it was, and it turns out there is no queue. The night was getting late and the air grew cold and the heavy rain only. And hurry because I ordered food saata I felt very cold. After getting food that my brother and I wanted to go home.                
                                      Night time shows 11:45. That's when I and my brother got home. As we approached the little sister that rahman immediately approached and asked me the goods being carried. And my mother to prepare dishes and glasses to put food earlier and brought to the 2nd floor. Exactly at 12.00 the night I saw a lot of very beautiful firecracker while eating food that I had bought with my family. And do not forget to photograph my sister was very happy to see yangterlihat-firecracker firecracker beautiful. Oh yes my half of the second floor is not covered roof as planned before construction. So that at night can see the beauty of the night and feel the evening breeze. After a night my family and I celebrate the new year on the floor 2. 2 nights at the end we all slept.                 
                                        Early in the morning is get up in my family. It has been the custom in my family already get up at dawn takni to immediately organize trade tools. But then I and my brothers told my father to get out and walk around in the housing. housing was not far from my house just a few meters away. There are not only beautiful and luxurious housing but there is also a beautiful garden and some still are vacant land which was once the rice fields. And there are also newly built apartments. usually early in the morning many people who work out in the JV because there the air is very cool. But not on this day. This morning in the housing that only a few people who were there. Finished walk around my brother and I went home. When I got home my brother and I helped my parents prepare merchandise. Promptly at 8 am my father was ready to go sell. After my father left me and my mom clean the house and get ready to go to the tourist attractions that have been planned well in advance.                  
                                 At 9 am the house was clean and get ready to go to the "Garden of Flora & Fauna". In that place is crowded and more people from outside Java dating here to see the beauty of the garden flora & fauna. There I was, my mother and my sister around the park. There are a large fish pond, fauna such as deer, mouse deer, peacock. There is also a playground and outbound. And there are beautiful-beautiful flora. After 3 hours around the park we went home. The next day me, my mom and my sister went to the mall. There, she plans to buy a pair for my father and my mother buy clothes for themselves. After finding a suitable pants and shirt, and then we had to go to the children's rides. There are very excited because my sister rides up and had their pictures taken. After 2 hours around the mall and felt tired, we finally went home. Before going home we were looking for food first. That was the story of my New Year's holiday in 2013.

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